Saturday, 20 August 2011

I've been webifyed or What your internet habits tell about you!

I've just come across a nice new app to play with: Webify Me promises to analyse your personality examining your use of social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter and your internet surfing habits in general. Well, for you my dear readers, I took the plunge and told them the dirty truth about my relationship with the world wide web. What Webify Me found out? Read below what the different objects tell about my Cyber-Me. Some of the statements might be right, some might be wrong. Judge yourself and if you are brave enough take the quiz yourself and come back to leave me a comment so I can see how we compare.

Pop Magazine
Why, look at you. Clearly, you bear the mark of The Fierce. You know what's hot, but rock your own style, and can dance on that fine line that separates dandy from dowdy.

Fortune Teller
The Fortune Teller, The Cootie Catcher — an ancient, noble device of truth-seekers. Let fortunes be told forthrightly, with simple honesty guided by blind chance.

Ah, the Flask — the party is wherever you are, Social Butterfly. You bring it, and you bring it in style. But you also know when to stop. Keep it classy, my sleek silver friend!

Eat my dust! I'm bumping up my browsing into hyperdrive and leaving lesser browsers behind..

Friendship Pin
The Friendship Pin — an unbreakable bond between you and your BFF. It shows you are loyal, willing to wear your love on your sleeve (or sneaker).

Action Figure
A significant cultural heroic icon looms large in your inner nerd psyche. Embrace it. (We really don't want to get into the whole trademark thing, OK?)

You've earned The Headphones. You know that the best concerts are the all-star lineups you stage for yourself, in your own head.

Let's go! You're not one to sit around; you like the active, positive and healthful, in body mind and spirit. And you have the sweaty wrists to prove it.

Android Smartphone
For you, the Internet cannot be contained to a desk or a cafe. You carry it with you, not a place you go, but a tool you use. This is your Swiss Army Knife™.

Name Tag
Who are you, really? That's something you can decide, and decide again, and again. Create a persona for each world you live in. Just don't get confused, or they'll make a movie about you.

Pocket Knife
The Pocket Knife — small, versatile, and just a little bit dangerous. It is your symbol because you are resourceful, and sharp, and you know how to fold yourself.


  1. Fun quiz. Here's my result. We have some similarities.

  2. I used to have that phone and I loved making friendship bracelets when I was younger (feels like a century ago)- some very cool results there :)

  3. Yeah, just a bit fun. Nothing too serious :)



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